Donald J. Whittaker, D.C.

Indigo Children and Adults

Scroll to the bottom to get your free test to see if you are an Indigo Child!

What is an indigo child (or adult)? Wikipedia

describes it as as “children who are believed to

possess special, unusual, and sometimes

supernatural traits or abilities. The idea is based on concepts developed in the 1970s by Nancy Ann Tappe and further developed by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober." We're not talking about mutants or super-heroes. These are just people who have been given some special gifts and abilities. The term "indigo children" is a New Age description, which you may or may not like to use, depending on your background and personality. (I will just refer to them as "indigo".) Books have been written on the subject. There are Facebook groups for them. There is also a lot of confusion about them. Parents with children who don't get along well with others, who have behavioral problems but seem to be very creative, who have ADHD, ADD, or depression, and so forth would prefer to think of their child as gifted or special, rather than face the true problems with their child. They may or may not be right. Not all children (and adults) who have these issues are indigo. Not all indigos have all of the characteristics we ascribe to being indigo. 

The following are traits that are common among indigos:

  • ​Naturally intuitive, maybe even a little psychic – able to sense and feel things that many people are unaware of.
  • Non-conformist – resists rigid authority, does not like to follow well-worn paths, prefers to choose their own way (not even conforming to non-mainstream groups).
  • Often feels out of place – doesn’t “belong” – since their energy is different, they often feel like they don’t fit in, especially in school and many other social situations. They’re often a loner, except with people who have similar energy.
  • May be prone to depression, ADD/ADHD, and other social/emotional difficulties.
  • Generally higher IQ – may be very analytical and have a desire to understand how things work (including life).
  • Creative and inventive – music and/or art is important. When combined with non-conformity, they often prefer to come up with new ideas than to use established tools and techniques.
  • Though feelings of inferiority are common, they generally feel that they’re better at seeing the big picture and understanding what’s happening in the world. People say that indigos are very self-assured. They generally know that they’re special, but since they don’t feel like they belong, they often struggle with their feelings of self-worth. Since they often are more assured of their viewpoint, they can be seen as arrogant or cocky. They have high expectations of themselves and others.
  • Empathetic, curious, and strong-willed.
  • A clear sense of self-definition and purpose – they’re often a leader, have a strong sense of integrity, and have a passion to find and fulfill their purpose in life.
  • Strong tendency toward spirituality, often exhibited early in life. May not be religious unless they find a religion that addresses their drive for purpose and meaning in life. May also feel drawn to the paranormal.
  • They often have a strong feeling of entitlement – feeling like they deserve to be here.
  • Tend to be more emotional – feel more deeply than most people. They don’t want to hurt or disappoint anyone. Money often takes a back seat to fulfillment.

We have developed a test that we can perform in our office to determine if you or your loved one is indigo or not. This test utilizes the Vital Balance technique, which includes muscle testing and basalt rocks. In working with Indigo Children and doing brain balancing on many individuals, I noticed different energy patterns in the brains of indigos. I can now use this test to objectively determine if someone is indigo or not. For a limited time, we are offering this test for FREE. Just enter your information below to send us an email and click on Submit. Once we complete the test, we will send the results to you via email.